This "animated" short was produced over the span of 28 days for The Telltale x Nobodies Project live show that took place on March 3rd of 2023. From script writing, to storyboarding, to set scouting, to voice acting, everything was done in the few hours I had each day between clocking out of my day job, and falling asleep on my couch. It was an endearingly difficult project, but one that shows its time-crunch. I wasn't happy with the fall-off in scene detail near the end (ran out of time), and there were a lot of lines that deserved re-takes (I sound stuffed up in the beginning), but the whole point was to show off a "finished" product to a live audience despite any hesitations I had.
Sitting behind the projector screen while the audience of about 50 people actually laughed, and at jokes I thought would bomb, will be an experience I use to motivate myself for a long time.
- Chris